Fullstack web developer

This web made with NextJS 13
Feel free to use just get it on my  GITHUB. Some example on this project : Toast, Routing, State Management (Recoil), Styling with Tailwindcss and daisyUI, Momentjs etc.

Creating a button
using only utility classes vs using daisyUI component classes

<a className="inline-block px-4 py-3 text-sm font-semibold text-center 
text-white uppercase transition duration-200 ease-in-out
bg-indigo-600 rounded-md cursor-pointer
<a className="btn btn-primary">Button</a>

Creating a toggle
using only utility classes vs using daisyUI component classes

<div className="relative"> <input type="checkbox" className="peer appearance-none cursor-pointer border border-gray-300 rounded-full checked:border-gray-900 w-12 h-6"/> <span className="peer-checked:left-7 peer-checked:bg-gray-900 transition-all duration-200 pointer-events-none w-4 h-4 block absolute top-1 left-1 rounded-full bg-gray-300"></span> </div>